>> KAVACH-2023 Grand Finale Teams   >> Startup Results Updated Now



Working toward empowering these imperative notions of our society, MoE's Innovation Cell,AICTE along with Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D)(MHA) and Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C)(MHA) have launched ‘KAVACH-2023’ a unique national Hackathon to identify innovative concepts and technology solutions for addressing the security challenges of the 21st century faced by our intelligence agencies.KAVACH-2023 is conceived to challenge India’s innovative minds to conceptualize ideas and framework in the domain of cyber security using artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, automation, big data and cloud computing.

KAVACH-2023 is a unique opportunity for higher institutional Students and Startups in India to submit their innovative ideas/concepts under the different problem statements. This event is going to be conducted in physical mode in two phase’s viz. Initial Phase/Idea screening round and Grand Finale round. In the Initial round the initially submitted ideas will be thoroughly screened and scrutinized and the selected ones will be moved for the Grand Finale that will be held in the month of July-2023. KAVACH 2023 will have two phases. The submitted ideas will be evaluated by a group of experts in the field and only the innovative ideas will be selected for the Grand Finale or 2nd round. During the Grand Finale, selected participants are expected to build the solution to demonstrate their concepts and prove to the juries that their ideas are technically feasible and more importantly implementable. Best ideas will be declared winners. During this 36 hours hackathon, scheduled in the month of July-23, selected youths from education institutions across the country will participate to offer strong, safe and effective technology solutions using their technical expertise and innovative skills. Total Prize money worth Rs. 20,00,000 is announced for the winning teams.

This hackathon has 20 Problem statements related to the cyber security domain against which the innovative minds will be able to submit their ideas and compete against each other


Who Can Participate

Track 1: Students from HEIs

Regular Students of HEI's pursuing "Graduate/Post-Graduate/Ph.D" will be able to showcase their talent and generate out-of-the-box innovation ideas

Track 2: Registered Startups

Any Indian registered startup


Scheduled (Timeline for the KAVACH-2023)

S No. Task and Activities Tentative Timeline
1 Launch of Kavach Hackathon 16th Feb 2023
2 Registration & Idea Submission 1st March 2023 – 30th April 2023 (Revised)
3 Idea Evaluation 16th April 2023 – 15th May 2023
4 Announcement of Finalist (in Batches) 15th June 2023 – 30th June 2023
5 Training of Finalist 1st July 2023 – 15th July 2023
6 Grand Finale of the Hackathon July 2023 (Tentative)


Process Flow

KAVACH-2023 : Problem statements submission by I4C and BPR&D (MHA)

Step 1

Publishing of the problem statements on KAVACH-2023 website.

Step 2

Registration of College SPOCs/Star-ups on KAVACH-2023 portal

Step 3

Step 4

College SPOC to be responsible to finalise total best 10 teams from the internal hackathon/or similar activity. SPOC will recommend maximum 10 selected teams for KAVACH-2023 at KAVACH-2023 portal.
For Start-ups, after registration the team leader can upload the necessary details on the portal

Step 5

The selected teams/start-ups registered at the KAVACH-2023 portal, submit ideas against PSs.

Step 6

The submitted ideas will be evaluated and for the grand finale teams/start-ups will be shortlisted.

Organizing Committee

Prof. T. G. Sitharam

Chairman AICTE

Dr. Abhay Jere

Vice Chairman AICTE

Mr. Sarim Moin

Innovation Officer MoE's Innovation Cell

Mr. Ankush Sharma

Innovation Officer MoE's Innovation Cell

Mr. Arindam Mandal

Regional Consultant MoE's Innovation Cell

Mr. Sourabh R. Nirmale

Regional Consultant MoE's Innovation Cell

Mr. Sujeet Kumar

Senior UI/UX Designer MoE's Innovation Cell

Mr. Siddhartha Sharma

Software Developer MoE's Innovation Cell

Mr. Nitin Kumar

Startup Fellow MoE's Innovation Cell

Executive Committee

Dr. Pratap Sanap

VP, Head Research and Innovation Neilsoft, Pune

Ms. Supriya Manglekar

Head, Global Vulnerability Lab Winjit Technology, Pune

Mr. Santosh Kamane

CEO & Co-founder CyberFIT Solutions

Mr. Mayank Dikshit

Director of Engineering Mindtickle, Pune

Mr. Milind Dharmadhikari

Practice Head - Cybersecurity Suma Soft Private Limited


Frequently Asked Questions for KAVACH-2023 participants

College/University students (Bachelors or Master or PhD) enrolled in any regular course/program.

Start-ups having valid registration details in:

  • GST
  • MSME or incorporated under the Indian Companies Act

Registration of teams must be done by College SPOC (single point of contact). The registration process is simple. All you need to do is,

  • Visit kavach.mic.gov.in
  • Create a login id
  • Fill all the required fields
  • Fill the team details
  • Don’t forget to click 'Submit'

For College/University students,

  • All team members should be from same college; no inter-college teams are allowed. However, members from different branches of the same college/ institute are encouraged to form a team.
  • Each team would comprise of 6 members including the team leader.
  • Each team must have at least one female team member.
  • For problem statement that is focussing on digital solution, then majority of the team members MUST be well versed with programming skills. For any problem statement with inclusion of any hardware components, we encourage multi-disciplinary teams – which means your team should have a good mix of Mechanical Engineers, Electronic Engineers, Product Designers and Programmers.
  • Colleges MUST issue a letter on their letterhead stating the names of the team and team members.
  • The team leader’s name with proper designation of members should be clearly specified in the letter.
  • Clearly communicate the email-ids and mobile numbers of all team members as well.
  • The Team Name should be unique and not contain the name of your institute in any form.
  • The letter should bear the seal of the college/ institute along with signature of the principal/dean/ institute director.
  • A scanned copy of this letter in PDF form is to be mandatorily uploaded during online application process.
  • The team leader can nominate up to 2 mentors preferably having relevant expertise in academia or industry experience.

For start-ups,

  • All team members should be from the same start-up; no different start up teams are allowed.
  • Each team would comprise of 6 members including the team leader.
  • The start-up should furnish proper documentation of their registered start-up. Anyone not submitting details of their registered start-up will lead to rejection of their team. The team needs to upload on start-up/company letter head along with proper stamp their details of team and members along with contact details.
  • The team leader’s name with proper designation of members should be clearly specified in the letter.
  • Clearly communicate the email-ids and mobile numbers of all team members as well.
  • The Team Name should be unique and include your start-up name.
  • The letter should bear the seal of the start-up/company along with signature of the director or owner of the start-up/company.
  • A scanned copy of this letter in PDF form is to be mandatorily uploaded during online application process.
  • It is optional to add the team mentors only for the start-ups/company.

Please note: Idea submission must be made by the Team Leader only.

  • Submission dates should be strictly followed. No exceptions will be made.
  • Submission is required to be done on kavach.mic.gov.in in the prescribed format. The format is available on the website.
  • After login, fill in all the required details for submission of the idea.
  • Entries to be sent only in the prescribed format; otherwise they are bound to get rejected.
  • Upload the PPT in the prescribed format, stating the idea and letter from the college/university/start-up (as stated above) to complete the application process.
  • A team can submit idea in only one problem statement only. Multiple idea submission in this hackathon is not allowed.

Evaluation criteria will include novelty of the idea, complexity, clarity and details in the prescribed format, feasibility, practicability, sustainability, scale of impact, user experience and potential for future work progression.

Notification about selected teams will be announced on the portal. You may keep a track of all the latest notifications and updates about the event through our official pages including YouTube and Twitter.

Be available for meetings and training during the preparation phase; will be notified in advance

  • The hackathon is proposed to be organized physically across various nodal centres in the country, and participants need to travel to the centres allocated to them. No request for Nodal center change will be entertained
  • College/University photo ID is mandatory for participating in the finale.
  • Start-up Document and registered members needs to be provided during grand finale.

Prizes worth 20 lakhs to be won.

  • Intellectual property (IP) of the idea would belong to the competent authorities only..
  • Selected ideas need to be further developed so that they can be productized before the government institution(s) will be able to utilize it; more efforts beyond the finale are required from the selected teams thereafter.